The Bros.JPG

Founded September 2020

With our powers combined, we will figure out what movies are about.

We are 3 friends who met in animation school, all from very different places and backgrounds, it was our mutual love of this art form that brought us together. Upon completion of our course, we continued to hang out and chat, have fun and keep in touch so we could help each other stay motivated as we worked on our animation skills and tried to get our first gigs within the industry. This mutual hang out led to us working together to make a short film.

The 3 of us a big fans of movies and stories more generally, for very similar reasons. We thing stories have survival information, at their core they are about something, they are making an argument for a better way to live. The best movies are saying something very specific and are saying it very clearly.

This podcast is us watching movies older and newer, to of course enjoy them, but also to see if we can figure out what they are really trying to say.